Hello Leader,

As this year comes to a close and a new year and decade begin, we wish you all the good things you worked for and wish for yourself. Living is the greatest gift there is. There is no owner manual. You write your own as you proceed. We wish for you that the next chapter you write is as adventurous and fulfilling as you hope it will be.

I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world. There are many things that deserve and have my gratitude. In particular, in this season of giving thanks, five things that I am grateful for are:

  1. My family. They allow me to be the person I am and give me meaning and purpose.
  2. My clients. They give me opportunity and trust me in our collaborations.
  3. My community of friends. They help me grow and enrich my life with significance.
  4. My teachers. They remind me I’ve only just begun and challenge me to new developments.
  5. Acts of kindness. They make life possible. I was helped by a million acts of kindness, by many people on many occasions, many of whom were strangers. Some helped my next step. Some opened a door that was locked. Some brought comfort. Some rescued me when I was at the end of my rope. Some have literally saved my life. I am here today because of a million acts of kindness. Thank you.


Aviv Shahar

Excel Your Professional Growth

To excel in your professional growth and to realize excellence – develop and focus on a weekly set of practices.

First find out what delivers great results; second, have the discipline to keep doing it; third, refine and improve as you go forward. Here are ten things to do every week to excel and maximize your professional growth:

  1. Learn something new every week – increase your intellectual power.
  2. Coach or mentor someone.
  3. Delegate what is not part of your core competence.
  4. Over react to opportunities to make things right and to make things better.
  5. Organize your data and information.
  6. Simplify what you do and the way you do it.
  7. Reaffirm yourself. Stop doing anything that you were doing only because of insecurity or low self esteem.
  8. Invest in your strength, in what you enjoy doing.
  9. Implement an idea. Don’t talk about an idea, implement it.
  10. Write something every week (it doesn’t matter if you are not planning to write a book or launch a blog). Disciple yourself to write. It will help you develop a practice of reflection and continuous improvement.

Excelling is a process made of many small efforts all pointing in the same direction. You find out what works well, what delivers results and you keep doing it better every week.

© Aviv Shahar

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