5 Fuels to Power Your Mastery Journey

“Your development practice always, always faces resistance. There are a million ways to find and reach the elevation of mastery”

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Episode Summary

In this episode, Aviv provides his insights on the mastery journey as we close the loop on the two-episode series on mastery. In a recent episode, entitled ‘How to Reach Mastery,’ we looked at what the best CEOs do to lead their teams along the three-legged journey to reach mastery. In this part, we further the reflection on this topic by dissecting the five fuels that power and propel individuals into their mastery journey. We discover that, individually, these fuels aren’t enough. We need to combine a multitude of these drivers in order to achieve mastery. Finally, Aviv asserts that working to build critical readiness for mastery is a fantastically rewarding and meaningful journey.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 00:51 – Introducing today’s topic, Five Fuels to Power Your Mastery Journey
  • 01:58 – Reviewing the three-legged journey to achieving mastery
  • 03:45 – Examples of triggers that can propels us to to achieving mastery
  • 07:02 – The two-fold realization that occurs on the development practice path
  • 09:13 – Aviv uses the Beatles to demonstrate that the vertical ascent to mastery does not happen overnight
  • 10:15 – What propulsions can power the development journey?
  • 12:52 – Aviv poses questions for listeners to ask themselves and reflect on and lists the five propelling fuels to overcome the struggle of resistance in order to achieve mastery
  • 13:24 – Number One: Pain and Fear
  • 14:25 – Number Two: Passion and Reward
  • 15:50 – Number Three: Serving a Cause
  • 16:34 – Number Four: Team Spirit
  • 17:19 – Number Five: Structure of Support
  • 18:53 – Now it’s your turn, discover what mastery you’re building and what drives your success in overcoming resistance

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