Collective Intelligence #2 – Mapping the Terrain of Collectives

“If you rush towards the attractive prospect of collective intelligence without first taking time to understand and appreciate the unique attributes of the collective you are approaching, you’re likely to miss the mark.”

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Episode Summary

What is collective intelligence and how do we facilitate the generation of collective intelligence with a leadership team? Over the years, Aviv has endeavored to answer these questions through his work with teachers, entrepreneurs, business executives, coaches, healers, and futurists.

In this episode, Aviv shares discoveries he has made throughout his career. He expounds on the three lenses of mapping the terrain of collectives: the content lens, the character lens, and the cause lens. Finally, Aviv offers a series of thought-provoking reflections on the inherent value of collective intelligence.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 01:22 – Defining Collective Intelligence and best practices for facilitating the generation of collective intelligence with a leadership team
  • 03:27 – A surprising discovery Aviv made early in his life
  • 05:17 – The three lenses of mapping the terrain of collectives
  • 10:14 – Aviv reiterates the importance of collective intelligence

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