Courageous Leadership with Faiza Hughell

“Finding the courage to speak up and challenge publicly in an environment of executives far above me – people who I wanted to be like – without having that title was really challenging for me. The moment I did was the moment my career trajectory completely changed.”

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Episode Summary

Faiza Hughell is a go-to market leader, board member, and mentor. She was RingCentral’s Chief Customer Officer and just recently retired from RingCentral after eleven years of an extraordinary ride where her strategic oversight of sales and execution has been a critical driver for RingCentral’s growth from $23M to over $1.5B in annual recurring revenue. Today, Aviv and Faiza engage in a conversation on the power of reframing, operating in an environment of explosive growth, courageous leadership, and self-empowerment.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 01:15 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Faiza Hughell
  • 04:44 – Faiza reflects on her career journey and expounds on her proudest accomplishment
  • 07:30 – Faiza’s most difficult challenge to overcome and the most rewarding moment of her career
  • 10:18 – The power of reframing
  • 13:01 – Faiza’s evolution as a leader and what she has learned from other leaders
  • 19:47 – Building world-class teams
  • 23:02 – Operating in an environment of explosive growth
  • 27:05 – What Faiza learned about courageous leadership
  • 30:20 – Mentoring advice Faiza would give to young leaders
  • 33:12 – What the future holds for Faiza
  • 34:46 – Final words of wisdom from Faiza

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