Discover Your Big Sexy Idea with Mark Levy – Episode 51

Discover Your Big Sexy Idea

“The most important word in every sentence is the last word of that sentence.”

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Episode Summary

Mark Levy is the founder of Levy Innovation, a position and strategy firm that helps organizations and thought leaders differentiate by using a “big sexy idea.” Mark’s field of expertise is in that of positioning, meaning he works to position individuals, brands and organizations in places where they can make their greatest impact. Mark also has extensive consulting experience, having consulted with CEOs of major brands, The History Channel, and Netflix. Beside his positioning work, Mark is a co-creator of the hit New York City show Chamber Magic, which has run for eighteen years with over 5,000 performances to half a million people.

In this episode, Aviv and Mark discuss the process of differentiation, from understanding conventional ideas to discovering the big idea that leads your work. Mark gives his definition of what constitutes a “big, sexy idea,” and describes his “27th Idea” strategy, which challenges organizations to cycle through a multitude of ideas before arriving at a solution. Aviv and Mark also highlight the importance of authenticity and congruency as it relates to shaping success. Finally, Mark discusses the importance of divergent thinking and breaking away from societal norms and standard routines in order to reach business epiphanies.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 01:12 – Introducing today’s guest, Mark Levy
  • 04:13 – Mark shares one thing he is thankful for this year
  • 05:38 – Aviv defines what it means to find your 4.0 self
  • 08:20 – Mark discusses his concept of “The 27th Idea”
  • 09:45 – Mark explains what he means when he references a big sexy idea
  • 11:26 – What is the big sexy idea of Mark’s book, Accidental Genius
  • 13:27 – Mark provides an example of a big sexy idea that differentiates against conventional norms
  • 16:54 – Mark talks about the concept of “internal editors”
  • 20:30 – Mark’s strategy for getting past the obvious
  • 22:25 – The significance of a company’s backstory
  • 24:36 – Mark discusses the “open kitchen concept” of business
  • 26:20 – What Mark enjoys most about his work
  • 28:29 – Mark’s core beliefs that guide and inspire him
  • 31:23 – Mark describes his earliest formative memory
  • 36:02 – The concept of “all-positioning”
  • 37:25 – How Mark’s experience selling books helped shape his success
  • 41:23 – Mark’s consulting role on “Netflix’s Mystery Science Theater 3000”
  • 42:03 – Mark discusses collaborating on the hit New York City show “Chamber Magic”
  • 45:48 – The importance of divergent thinking
  • 49:35 – Parting words of wisdom from Mark
  • 52:14 – Aviv provides steps to create your new future

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