From Resignation to Regeneration with Russell Hudson

“The emotionally healthy person lives in the now. So, we don’t have to wait until some other time. We don’t have to wait until we’re retired. We don’t have to wait until something else happens. We don’t have to live a life of contingency.”

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Episode Summary

Russell Hudson is a strategist, economist and consultant who is passionate about learning and teaching others with the goal of simplifying the complex. Today, Aviv and Russell reflect on a series of provocative articles Russell recently published on LinkedIn. The articles touch on a variety of topics ranging from work-life balance and identity to The Great Resignation. Russell explores the journey from chasing to embracing by rethinking success and significance and the importance of reclaiming your power.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 00:52 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Russell Hudson who shares what brings him energy and joy these days and reflects on what he calls ‘the noise in the silence and the silence in the noise’
  • 07:18 – Key insights from Russell’s research into work-life identity and the current state of The Great Resignation
  • 15:04 – The Great Exhaustion, explained
  • 20:01 – Reclaiming your power to choose and ‘Elizabeth’s story’
  • 27:20 – Russell reflects on his own journey through The Great Exhaustion
  • 35:09 – Russell expounds on the phrase, ‘Here I stand, I can do no other’
  • 38:12 – Transitioning from chasing to embracing
  • 44:21 – Rethinking success and significance
  • 54:48 – Final words of wisdom from Russell and what he hopes to be writing about in the future

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