How the Economic Cycle Defines the Leadership Imperative

How the Economic Cycle Defines the Leadership Imperative

“The three leadership imperatives we address here are strategic innovation, operational excellence, and people development.”

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Episode Summary

In this episode, Aviv identifies three leadership imperatives and explains them in the context of an economic cycle. These leadership imperatives include strategic innovation, operational excellence, and people development. Aviv shares his observation that strategic innovation is the natural focus when big opportunities and new technologies are introduced at the beginning of an economic cycle. Conversely, in the late phases of the cycle, the focus shifts to efficient execution and operational excellence. Finally, developing people and empowering them to take great ideas and execute them is also a vital throughout the economic cycle. In summary, Aviv provides listeners with a few competencies within each of the three leadership imperatives with the hopes that evaluating proficiency in each one will lead to personal and professional development and catalyzed growth.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 01:09 – The three leadership imperatives examined via an economic cycle
  • 01:53 – Technology trends and their impact on economic cycles
  • 02:37 – The first leadership imperative: Strategic Innovation
  • 03:49 – The second leadership imperative: Operational Excellence
  • 04:28 – The third leadership imperative: People Development
  • 06:27 – Competencies within each leadership imperative that can lead to personal and professional development
  • 06:47 – Strategic leadership competencies
  • 07:15 – Operational leadership competencies
  • 07:45 – People development leadership competencies
  • 08:10 – Reflection questions
  • 08:41 – Now it’s your turn, focus on shaping the future

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