Inspiring Purpose with Matt Carcieri – Episode 71

“Where purpose really takes hold is when it’s part of a real belief system, a system of values, a real point of view, a world view where there’s a real vision for how the world should be.”

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Episode Summary

Matt Carcieri is one of the world’s foremost purposologist, having worked on purpose with over one hundred companies and brands. He began his career as a marketing executive at Proctor & Gamble where, for fifteen years, he pioneered purpose-driven brand building inside the world’s largest advertiser. As an in-house expert on the topic, Matt spearheaded purpose work on most of P&G’s billion-dollar brands. Today, he works as an independent consultant and associate of the Jim Stengel Group. In those roles, Matt has helped to define and activate purposeful companies across a variety of industries, from financial services and insurance to healthcare and hospitality. Matt is a unique combination of an artist, cheerful philosopher, and brand purpose doctor.

In this episode, Aviv and Matt discuss one of the most crucial, yet often overlooked facets of business and life: purpose. Having purpose is at the center of an organization’s core beliefs and values and, thus, has a direct correlation to success. Matt expounds on the Five Opportunities of Purpose, which include employee engagement, innovation, societal contribution, brand relevance and consumer attention. He uses case studies from Airbnb, The Walt Disney Company, Zappos, Apple, LEGO and Barbie to amplify the value and importance of being purpose-driven. Matt shares lessons learned from his father, a former corporate executive and two-term governor of Rhode Island, and other mentors that have shaped his journey through business and life. Finally, Matt leaves the audience with some sage advice. He encourages identifying your origin moment, being true to your convictions, and discovering your passions to unlock endless possibilities.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 00:55 – Introducing today’s guest, Matt Carcieri
  • 02:57 – What energizes Matt in his personal and professional life
  • 04:20 – Moving from Proctor & Gamble into consulting
  • 04:55 – What Matt enjoys the most about his work
  • 05:24 – Matt talks about his book, Bleed a Creed
  • 07:15 – The role and evolution of purpose within organizations
  • 10:08 – What research says about the link between purpose and performance
  • 11:28 – The distinction between purpose-driven and purpose-inspired
  • 12:22 – Identifying genuine purpose
  • 13:51 – Aviv speaks to the importance of authenticity
  • 15:11 – The LEGO example
  • 17:04 – The Five Opportunities of Purpose explained
  • 17:44 – How purpose is an opportunity for employee engagement
  • 19:46 – How purpose impacts innovation generation
  • 21:55 – The relationship between purpose and social contribution
  • 23:42 – The role purpose plays in brand relevance
  • 24:47 – The Airbnb example
  • 29:17 – How purpose is an opportunity for consumer attention
  • 31:06 – Matt shares other discoveries he has made about organizational strategies surrounding purpose
  • 32:51 – Tools Matt utilizes to help organizations identify their convictions, beliefs, and purpose
  • 36:18 – Inspirations from Matt’s formative years
  • 38:26 – Heroes and mentors that have shaped Matt’s journey
  • 39:10 – Matt talks about his father, Donald Carcieri
  • 41:18 – Other influences in Matt’s professional life
  • 42:25 – Matt points to a specific moment of self-discovery
  • 44:10 – Aviv shares his journey to find his purpose
  • 46:52 – How Matt became The Purpose Doctor
  • 48:43 – Matt’s professional and personally purposes
  • 50:05 – The significance of creating memorable moments
  • 52:33 – Advice Matt would give his younger self
  • 53:56 – Two learnings Matt values above all others
  • 55:19 – Parting words of wisdom and insights from Matt
  • 56:08 – Now it’s your turn, reflect on your convictions, identify your origin moment, and discover your passions to become empowered into new horizons of possibility

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