Objectives & Key Results (OKR) Leadership with Doug Gray

“I think of OKRs as a way to stand with one foot on the side of the river in strategy and another foot on the side of the river in daily activities.”

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Episode Summary

With a Ph.D. in organizational leadership, Dr. Doug Gray specializes in outcome-based leader development. As CEO of Action Learning Associates, Dr. Gray has worked with over ten thousand leaders in almost every business category and market. His latest book, Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Leadership, was written to help clients apply what works in the best companies in Silicon Valley. Dr. Gray is also a former adventure racer. In this episode, Doug and Aviv share a deep and meaningful conversation about the value of practicing Objectives and Key Results Leadership as individuals, small businesses and large corporations. They address the conundrum of why people are both aspirational and yet confused simultaneously. Finally, Dr. Gray speaks to the importance of positive psychology and always striving to be extraordinary.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 00:49 – Aviv introduces today’s guest, Doug Gray who defines OKR Leadership, the value OKR Leadership brings to organizations and when it is most critical to practice OKR
  • 11:06 – Dr. Gray dives deeper into objectives and key results
  • 13:54 – Dr. Gray discusses why OKR leadership, at its core, is a practice
  • 19:11 – The OKR Leadership model and how OKRs differ from the small business space to larger organizations
  • 24:01 – How to ensure OKR doesn’t become another machine-like view of humans
  • 27:24 – Dr. Gray speaks to the concept of stretching for amazing
  • 31:12 – Differentiating between aspirational and operational objectives
  • 32:31 – Dr. Gray reflects on how individuals can apply OKR to their careers
  • 34:20 – Dr. Gray speaks to his passion for positive psychology
  • 37:38 – A personal objective Dr. Gray is currently working on
  • 40:21 – Final words of wisdom from Dr. Gray

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