Orchestrating Serendipity: 7 Principles for Creating Breakthroughs in Business and in Life

 Orchestrating Serendipity: 7 Principles for Creating Breakthroughs in Business and in Life

“  By shifting your perspective, you shift your energy. You create new energetic patterns when you cultivate intentional behaviors and practices.”

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Episode Summary

In this episode, Aviv discusses the seven principles for creating breakthrough in business and in life. He explains how leaders can experience meaningful transformations through the process of orchestrated serendipity and why it’s important to understand the motivation that propels us to do certain things. Aviv also describes what he does in his workshops to help leadership teams generate new ideas and create breakthroughs by stimulating fresh perspectives. By disrupting habitual patterns, carving a new conversation space, activating curiosity and new synaptic connections, alternating the foreground and the background, initiating zero-gravity explorations, and elevating the energy field and presence of the group, you can unleash profound breakthroughs, and discover a sense of shared purpose and inspired commitment.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 02:28 – Common themes in leadership teams from some of the most admired companies in the world
  • 04:52 – What exactly is Aviv’s goal to help your business and your life
  • 05:20 – The method behind the madness is orchestrated serendipity
  • 06:20 – The great financial outcomes Aviv helps clients produce
  • 07:12 – What are the seven principles of orchestrated serendipity
  • 08:33 – The first principle of orchestrated serendipity is to disrupt habitual patterns
  • 10:00 – The second principle of orchestrated serendipity is to carve a new conversation space
  • 12:11 – The third principle of orchestrated serendipity is to activate curiosity and new synaptic connections
  • 13:33 – Why cynicism is a lie
  • 15:41 – The fourth principle of orchestrated serendipity is to alternate the foreground and the background
  • 17:25 – The fifth principle of orchestrated serendipity is to initiate zero-gravity explorations
  • 19:15 – The sixth principle of orchestrated serendipity is to elevate the group’s presence and energy field
  • 20:58 – How to change old patterns
  • 21:41- What’s the most essential factor that determines our energy, power, and charisma
  • 23:58 – There are three levels inside the purpose inquiry
  • 25:41 – The seventh principle of orchestrated serendipity is to inspire forward convergent movement

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