Passion Drives Innovation with David Harding – Episode 45

Passion Drives Innovation with David Harding

“I try to keep in mind that another’s intentions are not any less pure than my own.”

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Episode Summary

David Harding is an executive with over 25 years of technology leadership experience. David is the Senior Vice President and CTO of ImageWare Systems, Inc. Of his many accolades, David is credited with transforming this traditional software company into a leading cloud and software as a service provider, with services and products that are licensed and resold by some of the world’s largest corporations. He is an expert in the field of biometrics, identity management and enterprise security. In addition to his business acumen, David is also a prolific inventor, holding multiple patents with even more pending, and an avid musician.

In this episode, Aviv and David cover a variety of technology and business topics, ranging from blockchain to data breaches. David discusses his current role and breaks down the distinction between biometrics and identity management. He cautions about the ever-growing need for cyber security in our society and discusses the outdated nature of passwords. David also touches on government and private sector misuse of cyber security, even going so far as to describe the Equifax data breach as one of the most catastrophic in history. Aviv asks David about how he got his start in the software industry and what advice he would give his younger self. Finally, Aviv and David discuss the importance of passion, empathy, and learning to adapt in the workplace.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 01:07 – Introducing David Harding
  • 02:24 – David’s latest projects
  • 03:31 – What excites David about working in cyber security
  • 05:33 – Understanding the distinction between biometrics and identity management
  • 07:35 – Cyber security and the ever-evolving need to adapt to cyber threats
  • 09:28 – David discusses public and private sectors that use identity management
  • 13:30 – David explains blockchain technology
  • 16:42 – Why it is difficult for companies to transition into “software as a service” model
  • 19:05 – The practical application of transactional scalability
  • 20:26 – How music provided a source of inspiration for David
  • 22:17 – How the skills David learned while playing in a band transferred to business success
  • 25:48 – The importance of mutual trust and respect to business team success
  • 26:34 – When did David know that he wanted to work in software?
  • 29:28 – Why artificial intelligence (AI) overpromised and under delivered
  • 32:54 – Are we on the precipice of delivering on technologies such as artificial intelligence?
  • 34:53 – David’s innovation process looks to identify pain points to reach solutions
  • 37:22 – David describes a seminal experience that shaped his career
  • 42:35 – What the future holds for biometric technology
  • 46:07 – The rapidly growing fields of behavioral analytics and machine learning
  • 46:48 – David’s advice to his younger self
  • 49:15 – Parting words of wisdom from David

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