The 7 Stages of Small-Business Success with Carl Gould – Episode 37

Carl Gould“Most business leaders are undervaluing the intangibles of their business.”

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Episode Summary

Carl Gould is a business growth expert who advises organizations on how they can unleash their growth.  By the time he was 40, he had already built three multi-million-dollar businesses and after attending a personal development seminar in 1990, he fell in love with the idea of helping others set and achieve goals and work/life balance. He knew right then and there that coaching and mentoring others was going to be part of his life going forward.

Carl has written seven books on business, strategy, leadership, and growth, including,  The Seven Stages of Small-Business Success, which I discuss with him in detail in our conversation.

Together with a team of mentors and coaches, Carl has helped many entrepreneurs dramatically grow their businesses.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 01:58 – What he’s working on that energizes and excites him
  • 02:58 – The biggest challenges he sees for business leaders today
  • 05:54 – When he knew that helping and coaching entrepreneurs grow their business would be the focus of his work
  • 06:42 – Why the experience of self-development captivated him so much
  • 08:30 – How he turned his excitement for coaching into his work of helping businesses grow
  • 11:03 – Carl explains why a business never gets off the ground and stays arrested in the Strategic Planning stage (stage 1 of his book)
  • 13:09 – Carl explains stage 2 of his book, the Specialty stage (when a job is born)
  • 15:46 – Carl explains why he calls stage 3 the Synergy stage, and what the leadership requirements are as businesses evolve to this stage
  • 19:03 – Why so many businesses fail to transition to stage 4, the Systems stage, and what must occur from stage 3 to stage 4 to build systems that enable the business
  • 21:32 – The distinctions between stage 5 and 6, the Sustainability and Sellability stage and the transitions and significance of evolving to these stages
  • 25:09 – What entrepreneurs must learn to be prepared for Stage 7, the Succession stage
  • 29:07 – How he helps leaders facilitate the alchemy that helps them realize their full potential
  • 32:30 – How did Tony Robbins and Ichak Adizes influenced Carl
  • 34:00 – Where he thinks he’ll be in 10 years
  • 35:01 – Carl shares his parting wisdom

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