What Problem Are You Trying to Solve

What Problem Are You Trying to Solve

“To implement an effective solution and be transformative, make sure you are clear about the problem you are trying to solve.”

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Episode Summary

What problem are you trying to solve? In this episode, we hear a segment harvested from the audible of Aviv’s book, Create New Futures. Aviv uses an anecdotal example of a project manager, Tim, who is worried that his team is not motivated to embrace the company’s expanded mission. Aviv explores with Tim the possibility that he is misdiagnosing his team’s response and, if that is the case, he will have a difficult time implementing an effective intervention. Aviv frames the risks of developing a displaced analysis and the dangers that lie within this conundrum. He observes that intellectual laziness and lack of curiosity are more often the root causes of displaced analysis. Finally, Aviv discusses diagnostic thinking and poses four questions to Tim in order to help him define and implement a solution to his problem.

Essential Learning Points:

  • 00:54 – What problem are you trying to solve?
  • 01:08 – Aviv introduces Tim who is worried his team is not properly motivated
  • 01:46 – Aviv suggests that perhaps Tim is diagnosing his team’s response incorrectly
  • 02:00 – Defining displaced analysis
  • 02:22 – The danger in displaced analysis
  • 02:34 – Aviv provides four questions for Tim to reflect on as a leader
  • 03:00 – Aviv identifies the main causes for displaced analysis
  • 04:14 – Has a clear and compelling picture of the future been painted?
  • 04:26 – Has it been communicated clearly that each individual has a personal opportunity to contribute to the future?
  • 05:11 – Have individuals been provided with the tools and capabilities to address the opportunities before them?
  • 05:41 – Has a clear sense of priorities been established?
  • 05:59 – Tim comes to a conclusion based on Aviv’s questions and implements a plan of action
  • 06:18 – Aviv’s key insight to implementing an effective solution
  • 06:34 – Three final questions

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