The “Emerald Keys”

Our two new Emerald CDs are now available. “Living On Purpose” and “Stepping Into The Unknown”. To get your CDs visit here.

The 10th Emerald Key: “Living on Purpose”
In this Key we help you find and articulate your purpose. We take you through a process of discovering your deepest beliefs about yourself. Some people discover their purpose early in life, but most must journey a long road to find it. To have true personal power it’s important that you find this inner core and the confidence to believe in yourself. It’s important that you believe that your life on earth is significant and that your purpose and what you are here to do matters. Living on purpose is how greatness reveals itself, and when you realize your potential for greatness, you can become one with your reasons for being.

The 11th Emerald Key – “Stepping Into The Unknown”
When you were born, you entered this world not knowing failure. The concept of failure did not exist. All you cared about was discovering and exploring everything around you. This joyful impulse to live with your senses wide open to discover the opportunities of living is the experience we are seeking in this key. There is within this key, an invitation to reflect on your attitude towards risk; to evaluate how you go about the opportunities of your life. Do you take risks or do you hold back? Think about this: what is the price of taking risks? And then, what is the price of holding back? With this Key we invite you to step into your power, to realize your opportunity and to be the author of your own unfolding story.

© Aviv Shahar

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