Monthly Archives: June 2019

Prioritizing the CEO’s Most Precious Assets

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In this episode, Aviv brings the focus to prioritizing your most precious assets and resources – energy, time and focus. Aviv reflects on the three realizations that occur when you apply these resources effectively and provides personal examples of how he and his clients have arrived at these realizations. Finally, Aviv illustrates how the Impact-Must-Energy (IME) Priority Setting Formula can be utilized to identify where you can make the highest impact, which priorities you must complete, and what revitalizes and renews your energy.

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SYNC’d with Cathy Sunshine – Episode 63

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In this episode, Aviv and Cathy expound on powerful insights highlighted in SYNC'd. Cathy speaks to her strategy of making bold promises to customers and delivering on those promises. She identifies three critical propellants for organizational success, which include customer, structure and throughput. Aviv and Cathy reflect on the concept of ranked advantage design structure and its impact within an organization. Finally, Cathy leaves the audience with some sage advice. She proposes that organizations redesign themselves using reverse flow, a concept that suggests building a culture that frees individuals to embrace new information and practice what they do best.

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