Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Four Factors of Trust with Ashley Reichheld & Amelia Dunlop

“Trust, at its core, is built when you make and keep good promises. And we describe the ability to make good promises as having high humanity and transparency. And the ability to keep those promises we define as capability and reliability. Those are the four factors of trust.” Listen Here: Episode Summary Ashley Reichheld & Amelia Dunlop are both passionate leaders within Deloitte Digital. Ashley...

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Out From a State of Knowing and Perceiving

We are living into times of an accelerated evolutionary change. The 3500-years epochal journey is reaching a culminating transition. An epoch is a measure of universal time (an actuating pattern inside of a universal blueprint), where certain developments and evolution are permitted and supported. As the epoch culminates all around and inside each one of us, humanity is experiencing a deep crisis of the spirit....

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BONUS – The Process of Reflective Listening

Listen Here: [spp-player url=”″] Enjoying the Show? Please comment below. Share the podcast using the social links below. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE TODAY and leave a much-appreciated review in iTunes.

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Your Resilience Practice – Part 2

In Three Resilience Starters I shared with you Don’s excitement about discovering his resilient profile. I suggested that you build a practice of resilience to improve every aspect of your life and work. Here are four additional resilience vitamins to kindle a resilience practice with your teams and family.   © Aviv Shahar

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