The 5 Step Success Strategy For Everything

I am often asked towards the end of a four or five day seminar, “How can I sustain what I have learned here?” Typically this is an indication that the person has found new insights which they want to act on and not lose. The new self-knowledge and insight may consist of a clear set of values, appreciation of personal strengths, a new leadership strategy, how to better enable and develop their team, new appreciation about building trustful relationships, a clear set of goals, a determination to better align short and long term intentions, or something else. They ask how to sustain it because they instinctively feel that the pressure system they are returning to will be challenging. They fear losing the precious clarity they gained while in the seminar when faced with returning to the demands of their busy lives.

I usually reply with the five step success strategy for everything:

  1. First, you have to be driven. If you are not driven with a great intensity the other four steps will not be enough.
  2. Second, you’ve got to design your environment to support your success. Build into your life reminders, support mechanisms and rituals to help you stay on course.
  3. Third, have a coach or a buddy to help you stay accountable to your decisions and personal commitments.
  4. Create or join a mastermind support group with people whose endeavor is on a similar path with intentions and objectives that resonate with yours.
  5. Attend an annual retreat, seminar, development opportunity to gain further knowledge and insight.

These five steps are the foolproof strategy for sustainable success in everything.

© Aviv Shahar

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