Priests & Firefighters – What Do They Have In Common

Questions: What do Priests and Firefighters have in common?
Answer: They both deal in matters of higher intervention, and they both rush in where angels fear to tread.  Priests try to light a fire in the house and firefighters try to put it out. Well, perhaps.
The right answer though is that they both made the top of TIME’s list of the happiest people by occupation.
You could say they are both in the business of saving people’s lives. Their job is connected to a mission and perhaps therein lies a clue to their happiness.
The top happiest occupations of firefighters and priests were followed by these jobs: Reservation and Ticket Agents and Architects. These professions don’t deal in higher intervention but they facilitate people’s dreams and aspirations.

Humor aside, we are not surprised by the conclusion of the TIME’s survey that says: “For the most part Happiness isn’t about money… …Nobody has put a price on happiness yet.” We said so ourselves in the KEY: “Happiness Matters.”
Isn’t it time, the TIME’s started reading the KEY…

© Aviv Shahar

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