Rituals – What Are They For?
A Near Death Experience – Becoming Yourself with Bill Koenig – Episode 65
[spp-player url="https://play.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/10535942/height/192/theme/modern/size/large/thumbnail/yes/custom-color/33497b/time-start/00:00:00/playlist-height/200/direction/backward/download/yes/font-color/FFFFFF" social="false"]In this episode, Aviv and Bill expound on the differences between leadership competency and leadership capacity. Bill speaks to the profound impact that sports had on his formative years and credits his success today to the experiences he had playing team sports throughout his life. Bill identifies leadership patterns he has witnessed in organizations and cites the Navy Seals as a model of effective shared leadership. Aviv and Bill reflect on the concept of servant leadership. Finally, Bill leaves the audience with some sound advice. He encourages the continual journey of becoming yourself and suggests doing so in the context of continual inquiry and the assimilation of new learning, new models and new opportunities.