Category Archives: Personal Growth

Trust Your Inner Guidance

Nothing your body tells you is inherently wrong or bad. It is merely a sign or a signal of needing attention. Your body is a progress and development laboratory. It is a complex intelligence system, a laboratory that generates signs, alerts, and signals of awareness. It intelligently responds to your environment. You are your own forensic system. Pain, weakness and fatigue are like indicator lights...

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Stop Extrapolating

To break the sonic speed you must first stop extrapolating. Here is what it looks like. Don’t get me wrong. Extrapolating can be helpful. You might be able to extrapolate the federal debt in 2012. Extrapolation helps the government calculate social security obligations in 2032. You may calculate the traffic expected on major freeway in 15 years to help you design the freeway systems and...

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Bigger Solution Needs A Bigger Person

Excerpt from the Emerald CD – Focus On Solutions Not On problems The word solution has another meaning in the connotation of Chemistry. It’s the opposite of fixed, solid, rigid and unyielding. To solve, means to turn a substance from hard or coagulated into a fluid, moving state. To solve is to un-fix. To fix something is to make it static; to solve is to...

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Reclaim Your Can-Do Power

Intention is an energy deposit. Agreement is an energy investment. To reclaim and build your can-do power and energy levels apply the *KUA* criteria to intentions and agreements. KUA stands for Keep / Update / Absolve: Keep it – act on the intention; deliver on the agreement. Update it – realign/ adjust the intention; renegotiate the agreement. Absolve it – let go / cancel the...

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A Memorable Life

An A to Z reflections and strategies for living a memorable life: A.  You are here to transform the world. To bring light to darkness. B.  To be memorable you must live a memorable life. C.  To create a memorable life, you have to apply wisely your most precious assets – your time, your energy, your focus and your talent. D.  Make your purpose your...

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From Breakdown To Breakthrough

Breakdowns herald breakthroughs. Breakdowns lead to breakthroughs. What was is no more. Companies that were strong and stable are faltering and failing. Political, economic and social structures are collapsing. Every day brings new headlines. You wake up to find out that the world has changed.  In the darkness you begin to see the stars. These are signs of transition; of big systemic transformation, an epoch...

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The ATP Power

Beware Of Despair – A Coaching Brief The true meaning of despair is separation from purpose—the sense that you are unable to realize your mission – that there is no way for you to engage in your life affirming purpose.  Two roads cross the juncture of despair. One leads into fatigue, depression and apathy; the other leads to awakening and renewal. The first diminishes the...

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Are You Generating Value?

In good times and in tough times, the surest and safest tactic is to become the best value generator you can be. Here are ten things you can do to generate and bring great value to your stakeholders. Be clear about the most important – the vital things. Identify the key people you serve. Learn their concerns, needs and issues. Don’t let not knowing inhibit...

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Your Worst Enemy

Your worst enemy is thinking that you don’t matter, that there is nothing you can do that makes a difference. This thought shuts off your mind and suffocates your soul. Thinking your life doesn’t have meaning or that you don’t mean anything is when something begins to die in you.  Here is the truth. Everything you do matters. Everything you cause to happen matters.   Everything...

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Responding To Crises – The Three Phases

A response to a crisis follows three phases: Phase 1: Looking backward – this begins with denial and continues into argument, anger and bargaining. Phase 2: Looking lost – when anger and bargaining with what was and is no more has been used up, it gives way to confusion. The reference that was used as an anchor is no longer there, and there isn’t a...

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